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Authoring Languages
Compare CourseBuilder and onViz with other multimedia authoring programs using this excellent resource. Here you will find information on the different authoring languages, multimedia centers, commercial producers of multimedia software and other resources pertaining to authoring systems. From the Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI) in Arizona.

Authoring Languages for Talking with Microcontrollers
Technical information on using an authoring language to program and control machinery.
By Dan O'Sullivan at New York University
Contact DSI
if you are interested in details about how CourseBuilder or onViz can interface with machinery and control systems

Apple Computer Quicktime
Apple Computer's Quicktime website. Download the latest Quicktime player here and find out more about how others are using it.

Apple Computer Quicktime VR
Visit this site to learn more about how to create immersive, interactive "virtual reality" movies that you can incorporate with our products.

CODEC Central
Codec Central is an informational resource created and maintained by Media 100 Inc, makers of Cleaner 5. This is a Comprehensive source of information on digital audio and video codecs from Cinepak to Sorenson to QDesign. There is also a description of the leading multimedia architectures, such as QuickTime.

Creative Mac
News, tools, and techniques for creative professionals using Apple Macintosh computers.

Information Technology Information on the Internet
Information on Artificial Intelligence, Computer Mediated Communication, Educational Technology, Data Formats, Geographic Information Systems, Human Interface Design, Multimedia Technology, Networking, and more. From the University of Hull, U.K.

Low End Mac
Technical information, how-to, and news for users of older Apple Macintosh computers.

The Multimedia Gazette
Topics include Music and the Arts, Educational Material pertaining to multimedia, Multimedia Developer Materials featuring royalty free images and audio, a Gallery of Quicktime VR movies, and some Articles of Interest. They also maintain an extensive library of Quicktime VR-related websites.

Online Magazines relating to Authoring Systems

AV Video and Multimedia Producer

EMedia Professional
Formerly CD-ROM Professional

From Now On
A free Educational Technology Journal, published by Jamie McKenzie


Resources for educators on how technology can be incorporated into instruction. It contains news, case studies, product reviews and announcements, and feature articles on technology written by educators and experts in educational technology.

Online Multimedia Magazines and News
An up-to-date list of links from Yahoo



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